Donald Trump is starting to sound like he may be serious. He has been doing the rounds at conservative talk radio, garnering endorsements from right-wing favorites like Michael Savage, and appearing with Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and, today, Fox News' Bill O'Smarmy. There are plenty of foreseeable problems with a Trump candidacy, but desperate times call for desperate measures and Trump's moment may be nigh. If nothing else, he is NOT Obambi, and he IS a winner.
Comrade Barry, by contrast, is a loser. The accidental President has spent, and still spends, his life as a gangly, confused, sulky, petulant adolescent.
In some ways, his staggering arrogance, fragility, and sense of entitlement are not his fault. Young Barry, under the mentorship of his cracked out communist mother and her revolving-door rotation of black supremacist boyfriends, perfected from an early age the arts of victimhood and entitlement.
Raised on a hearty diet of anti-colonialist one-world black liberation theology, 1960s subversive counter-culturalists, and Affirmative Action, the Boy Tyrant understood two things: 1., that he hated America and her institutions, and 2., that America and her institutions could be milked to his benefit until kingdom come.
Zero had no father to teach him to be a man; to tell him to stop being a putz and drop the coke habit, or to encourage him to develop an identity based around something other than "victim" and "black". He had no father to tell him that Reverend Wright was a lunatic and Bill Ayers is a terrorist; to teach him about this country, and her values and exceptionalism, or to encourage him to endeavor to succeed on the basis of merit rather than social-engineering. Nobody taught him to be a man, to learn how to win with humility and lose with grace, or to know the difference between the earned and the endowed.
His absentee father is not his fault, but his daddy complex is all of our problems. His insecurity and constant need for the approbation of others; his attachment to inappropriate male mentors; his "look at me, look at me, please daddy" grandstanding; his abandoned-adolescent tetchiness and bitterness as he fails to make sense of the world around him - these are our problems. He knows that he did not become an Ivy League undergraduate on merit; he knows that he did not become a law school candidate or teacher on merit, and that his ascent to the US Senate and Presidency were not on merit. He knows that he has the biggest prize in American public life, but even with his ego, he knows that he did not win it.
Barack Hussein Obama's utilization of white guilt, social engineering and affirmative action to gain the titles and trappings of success has been remarkable, but you can hold a prize without winning it. Barry is, at heart, a loser - a bitter adolescent with a permanent sense of victimhood and entitlement. We cannot afford four more years with a child, a weakling, a loser leading the free world.
March 30, 2011
Picking a winner: Part 1 of the case for a Donald Trump Presidency
March 29, 2011
Beware the electable candidate
In common wisdom (verminous media parlance), for a liberal to be "electable", he can be black or white. He can be a she. He can be an atheist, a black magician, or a Jew. He can be a Catholic, a Methodist, or Muslim. He can be American, or Kenyan, or of unknown lineage: for a liberal to be "electable", he must simply be a liberal.
For a Republican to be "electable", he must simply be a liberal AND be ludicrous enough that even the vermin in the media - the B-graders, the bespectacled, palid little drones who spent High School sitting out of sports and with their heads being flushed down the toilet - may be capable of assassinating his character, destroying his candidacy, and punishing the world for their inability to get laid with four more years of Comrade Barry.
That is why, if you don't smoke pot for a 3PM breakfast, you have held a job for more than a week in the last decade, you have never smashed up a McDonald's store front, and you vaguely value (or understand; that's good enough) the principles, values, and culture that underpin this republic, you should run a mile from any Republican who common wisdom designates as "electable".
We will see who these putzes attempt to foist on the Republican party in due course. Warning signs will include references to "pragmatic" choices; assertions that "the economy is the major issue of the day", and inevitable platitudes about "independent voters" being key.
In turn: a "pragmatic choice" is a vermin mediaism for a candidate who has nothing in common with you but who MSNBC has yet to label a Nazi;
The "the-economy-is-key" narrative in support of a candidate is the vermin media's desperate plea that a Republican voter should overlook the candidate's penchants for killing babies, allowing gays to marry, coddling Muslim fanatics, and opening the border to terrorists, as long as the chosen puppet clucks about balancing budgets/putting American back to work/encouraging enterprise;
"Independent voters", let us be clear, fall into two categories; either, they are radicals leftists or right-wingers who choose to cloak their hardline dogma in the bizarrely-respectable veil of "independent" in order to assume an unearned image of originality of thought or moderation of view, OR they are morons - indecisive, unknowing half-wits of the type who ponder a drive-through menu for ten minutes before asking if the cheese-burger comes with cheese. Independent voters, so-called, are either communists or idiots.
As the 2012 field begins to assemble, and the salivating tingly-legged creeps in the media poop themselves about a conservative landslide next fall, beware the anointed "electable" Republican.
For a Republican to be "electable", he must simply be a liberal AND be ludicrous enough that even the vermin in the media - the B-graders, the bespectacled, palid little drones who spent High School sitting out of sports and with their heads being flushed down the toilet - may be capable of assassinating his character, destroying his candidacy, and punishing the world for their inability to get laid with four more years of Comrade Barry.
That is why, if you don't smoke pot for a 3PM breakfast, you have held a job for more than a week in the last decade, you have never smashed up a McDonald's store front, and you vaguely value (or understand; that's good enough) the principles, values, and culture that underpin this republic, you should run a mile from any Republican who common wisdom designates as "electable".
We will see who these putzes attempt to foist on the Republican party in due course. Warning signs will include references to "pragmatic" choices; assertions that "the economy is the major issue of the day", and inevitable platitudes about "independent voters" being key.
In turn: a "pragmatic choice" is a vermin mediaism for a candidate who has nothing in common with you but who MSNBC has yet to label a Nazi;
The "the-economy-is-key" narrative in support of a candidate is the vermin media's desperate plea that a Republican voter should overlook the candidate's penchants for killing babies, allowing gays to marry, coddling Muslim fanatics, and opening the border to terrorists, as long as the chosen puppet clucks about balancing budgets/putting American back to work/encouraging enterprise;
"Independent voters", let us be clear, fall into two categories; either, they are radicals leftists or right-wingers who choose to cloak their hardline dogma in the bizarrely-respectable veil of "independent" in order to assume an unearned image of originality of thought or moderation of view, OR they are morons - indecisive, unknowing half-wits of the type who ponder a drive-through menu for ten minutes before asking if the cheese-burger comes with cheese. Independent voters, so-called, are either communists or idiots.
As the 2012 field begins to assemble, and the salivating tingly-legged creeps in the media poop themselves about a conservative landslide next fall, beware the anointed "electable" Republican.
March 26, 2011
The No List: Jon Huntsman
The common wisdom is that the race for the 2012 Republican nomination is wide-open. And, aside from occasions when medicated, obese middle-aged liberal women's penchants for jug-eared black men fuse with their white guilt, there are rarely front-runners (or rockstar-esque constructs) at this point in election cycles.
The mainstream (Obambi-fawning vermin) media has created a bogus narrative of a conflicted Republican electorate flirting at once with the devil (Sarah Palin/"The Tea Party"/"the hard right") and the "electoral realities" (read: leftwing orthodoxy) of finding a candidate with a realistic chance of defeating the boy-tyrant next November.
Take a look at this Fox News story from the Associated Press in which the tangerine-hued Jon (where's-the-H?) Huntsman is cast as the reluctant savior of his party and nation; a born leader of moderation and tact, so modest and yet so inspiring that a whole movement and campaign have been formed organically in his honor; this unfunded, grassroots, mass-movement would be his, if only he would answer the call of duty.
The story is, of course, unsurprising: this clown is the Associated (de)Press' type of Republican, much as he was Barry H. Osama's type of Republican when he was drafted to serve the boy-tyrant as our ambassador to China. This creep jumped, before he was pushed, from the Governorship of the Holy kingdom of Utah knowing that he had long-since been revealed as a fraud.
Sure, MormonJon wears his long Johns (with an H), worships Joey Smith, and thinks the Garden of Eden is in Missouri, BUT he is pro-abortion, wants gays to get married, and thinks that global (yes-the-earth-is-getting-colder-but-it-may-totally-get-hotter-and-then,like, OMG-what-is-to-be-done-let's-raise-taxes) warming is caused by poor people in their SUVs. This makes him the socially-acceptable type of Republican - one who will only be electable the day God reveals himself to a nutty pot-smoking con-man in the Ohio wilderness, AND (just in case Obambi really is THAT detested) is also a raging liberal.
He is orange.
He supports the abolition of marriage.
He is orange.
He thinks the Garden of Eden is in Missouri.
He is a loyal servant of Obambi the imposter.
He is orange.
For these reasons, Jon Huntsman is a tool and a phony, and a worthy first member of my no list.
The mainstream (Obambi-fawning vermin) media has created a bogus narrative of a conflicted Republican electorate flirting at once with the devil (Sarah Palin/"The Tea Party"/"the hard right") and the "electoral realities" (read: leftwing orthodoxy) of finding a candidate with a realistic chance of defeating the boy-tyrant next November.
Take a look at this Fox News story from the Associated Press in which the tangerine-hued Jon (where's-the-H?) Huntsman is cast as the reluctant savior of his party and nation; a born leader of moderation and tact, so modest and yet so inspiring that a whole movement and campaign have been formed organically in his honor; this unfunded, grassroots, mass-movement would be his, if only he would answer the call of duty.
The story is, of course, unsurprising: this clown is the Associated (de)Press' type of Republican, much as he was Barry H. Osama's type of Republican when he was drafted to serve the boy-tyrant as our ambassador to China. This creep jumped, before he was pushed, from the Governorship of the Holy kingdom of Utah knowing that he had long-since been revealed as a fraud.
Sure, MormonJon wears his long Johns (with an H), worships Joey Smith, and thinks the Garden of Eden is in Missouri, BUT he is pro-abortion, wants gays to get married, and thinks that global (yes-the-earth-is-getting-colder-but-it-may-totally-get-hotter-and-then,like, OMG-what-is-to-be-done-let's-raise-taxes) warming is caused by poor people in their SUVs. This makes him the socially-acceptable type of Republican - one who will only be electable the day God reveals himself to a nutty pot-smoking con-man in the Ohio wilderness, AND (just in case Obambi really is THAT detested) is also a raging liberal.
He is orange.
He supports the abolition of marriage.
He is orange.
He thinks the Garden of Eden is in Missouri.
He is a loyal servant of Obambi the imposter.
He is orange.
For these reasons, Jon Huntsman is a tool and a phony, and a worthy first member of my no list.
Sinking Spring: America's Fall
Sinking Spring Farm in Hardin Co., KY is one of 785 places purported or purporting to be the birthplace of President Abraham Lincoln (I understand that, in the midst of the Obama Depression, trade in Lincoln trinkets, nickel-coated souvenir teaspoons, and Gettysburg Address tea-stained ink jet-printed scrolls remains lucrative). Wikipedia Wisdom (WW) has it that Honest Abe was indeed emitted from the womb at this location, and if Wikipedia says it, it must be true - until, of course, a colorless Cheeto-munching degenerate changes the WW, at which point it will cease to be true, and I will be forced to rename this blog "Podunk, IL", "a matter of debate (see Wikipedia discussion)", or "Maybe Hawaii, but definitely not Kenya". So that's the name part, and welcome.
Lincoln was America's finest President. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is horrible, Obama is zero, and Reagan is an 8.5, Mr Lincoln makes 10 look miserly. He single-handedly saved this country, freedom's last great hope on Earth, from itself. For one man to be the boldest, bravest, most intelligent, most compassionate, most ferocious, most competent, and most inspiring President in history is remarkable.
Perhaps more remarkable is that the office that he graced, the republic which he saved, and the people who he inspired are now controlled by a madman, a fool, an imposter. Barack Hussein Obama - the accidental President, the Manchurian candidate, the boy-tyrant - is the antithesis of Lincoln: an angry foreigner, dismissive of American exceptionalism, embarrassed by her greatness, and disgusted by her founding principles; an international Marxist, of questionable religious philosophy but unshakably socialist political ideology, who at once has more power and less grace than any President in history.
We live in a world where B. Hussein Obama is favorably compared with Lincoln by double-talking hacks and vermin in the American media who, like their idol Obambi, are either so unaware of, or so in contempt of this country's history and greatness, that they simper and posture and pontificate and watch the whole thing come crashing down. By accident, or by design, B. Hussein Obama is destroying the proud, hopeful republic that Abraham Lincoln saved on behalf of all of God's children. I love this country and the bold, optimistic, democratic, capitalistic, libertarian principles on which it is founded; this country, that our Founding Fathers secured and that God blessed, that George Washington forged and Ronald Reagan personified, and that the military defended and our Constitution protected is at risk. It breaks my heart that freedom's last great hope on Earth may about to be extinguished. I can do little else but rant, and here I will rant.
Lincoln was America's finest President. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is horrible, Obama is zero, and Reagan is an 8.5, Mr Lincoln makes 10 look miserly. He single-handedly saved this country, freedom's last great hope on Earth, from itself. For one man to be the boldest, bravest, most intelligent, most compassionate, most ferocious, most competent, and most inspiring President in history is remarkable.
Perhaps more remarkable is that the office that he graced, the republic which he saved, and the people who he inspired are now controlled by a madman, a fool, an imposter. Barack Hussein Obama - the accidental President, the Manchurian candidate, the boy-tyrant - is the antithesis of Lincoln: an angry foreigner, dismissive of American exceptionalism, embarrassed by her greatness, and disgusted by her founding principles; an international Marxist, of questionable religious philosophy but unshakably socialist political ideology, who at once has more power and less grace than any President in history.
We live in a world where B. Hussein Obama is favorably compared with Lincoln by double-talking hacks and vermin in the American media who, like their idol Obambi, are either so unaware of, or so in contempt of this country's history and greatness, that they simper and posture and pontificate and watch the whole thing come crashing down. By accident, or by design, B. Hussein Obama is destroying the proud, hopeful republic that Abraham Lincoln saved on behalf of all of God's children. I love this country and the bold, optimistic, democratic, capitalistic, libertarian principles on which it is founded; this country, that our Founding Fathers secured and that God blessed, that George Washington forged and Ronald Reagan personified, and that the military defended and our Constitution protected is at risk. It breaks my heart that freedom's last great hope on Earth may about to be extinguished. I can do little else but rant, and here I will rant.
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